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Light Sensor Node

MSRP $169



$ 169 On Sale! → $ 149

Provides wireless monitoring of environmental conditions, when used with the CircuitTree Master Controller.

Monitor, log, and use these environmental conditions to trigger actions or alerts within your smart garden:

  • Light Level

    Use for monitoring & notifications to insure lights are on/off when intended. Detect light leakage in light deprivation systems.

  • Temperature

    Provides an additional temperature reading similar to our Microclimate Sensor Node. (For most accurate temperature reading of a space, use the Microclimate Node, which has a radiation shield.)

You can program actions in the CircuitTree controller based on any of our sensors' input. For example, "Send an alert notification if light level is not showing lights on (or off) during a specific time range." With this device, a light level value is detected through its clear lid, along with a temperature probe.

  • Weather Resistant Industrial Enclosure

    Also lightweight and easy to mount.

  • Log Your Data

    Our controller can log the environmental data from multiple sensor nodes, long-term. You can access a full history of environmental conditions from any sensor, to verify that your garden remained within the desired parameters of temperature, lighting, etc.

  • Low Power Device

    Operates on very low power, meaning you can easily run it in an off-grid/alternative energy situation from solar, wind, battery, etc.

  • Reliable RF Mesh Network

    All devices communicate wirelessly on a secure RF mesh network. Doesn't require internet to operate!

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